Aubree Steen Wellness

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Contact Details

Tuesday, 26 October 2021
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM


How can I see if this is best for me?

A free 10 minute introductory call is always welcome, so you can ask any questions if you’re hesitant to start right away.

How often can I schedule follow ups?

You can schedule as often as you’d like! Follow ups are decided with Aubree during the consult; however, you are more than welcome to schedule appointments sooner than your scheduled appointment, if needed.

Follow ups are in 30 and 60 min increments.

What access to the practitioner do I get?

You are more than welcome to send emails between appointments. Depending on the context, an appointment may be warranted to discuss. Appointments are scheduled to ensure you are fully supported throughout your journey! However, we always know questions come up. We want you to feel as if you are never left in the dark when it comes to your health journey.

What areas of health do you focus on?

The primary areas of focus include, but not limited to:

● Gut Dysbiosis and Chronic Dysfunction
● Yeast/Candida/Fungal Overgrowth
● Mold Toxicity/Mycotoxins
● Autoimmunity
● Histamine/MCAS
● Skin Rashes/Eczema
● Digestion/Absorption and Digestive Disorders
● Hormonal Support
● Weight Management
● Endurance/Performance
● Anxiety
● Food Sensitivities and Allergies

What testing can you do?

The primary testing used includes, but isn’t limited to:

● Organic Acids Test (OAT) for fungal (living growing mold, yeast, candida) and bacterial overgrowth, microbiome, oxalates, mitochondrial function, ketone and fatty acids, vitamins status, toxic burden, and more.
● Stool Study for pathogenic overgrowth (cdiff, bacteria, parasites, fungus), digestive markers such as enzymes and food breakdown, clinical inflammation, immune dysregulation, and more.
● MycoTOX for mycotoxins, the chemicals from toxic mold.
● GPLTOX for environmental pollutants and chemicals from living in an industrialized society.
● Glyphosate (Round Up) for toxic burden/total levels.
● Food Sensitivity and Allergy testing.
● VItamin D + Omegas
● Adrenals and Cortisol
● DNA/Methylation
● Mold Testing in the Environment and Sinuses

Do you do virtual?

Yes! All virtual consults will be conducted by Zoom, and you do not have to live in Texas.

Do you accept insurance?

Unfortunately, insurance does not cover foundational care like visits or testing. All visits and suggested testing are cash pay. However, HSA and FSA accounts/cards are able to be used on supplementation, as they’re a health expense!