Aubree Steen Wellness

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Contact Details

Tuesday, 26 October 2021
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM


Onboarding: How to Get Started

1. Website

Go to (Congrats, you’re here!)

2. Schedule

Schedule a Complimentary introductory call with Aubree to assess if you’re a candidate/great fit for working together on your health journey.

3. Consult

After the call, book your first introductory consult, which is 90 minutes.

The Process for a New Client

A la Carte Pricing (No Package)

Visit Options/Packages

Calendar appointment

Pricing Package

Choosing a package

1. Testing with Review:

a. Testing (based on introductory call)

b. Review:

2. Foundation Gut/Mold Testing with Review + Planning:

Package total: 


3. Full Health Assessment (Testing is Additional)

Appointments total: 
