Aubree Steen Wellness

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Tuesday, 26 October 2021
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM



What Client Say About Us

The moment I began working with Aubree I felt hope for becoming healthy again! Before working with her, I spent years battling gut issues. I wasted so much time, money, and energy trying to get better. Thankfully I found Aubree! During my first session with her she explained the root cause of the issues I was experiencing and most importantly how we would work together towards a full recovery! Aubree is incredibly knowledgeable and so personable. She has not only guided me on the proper treatment path for my body, but she has also provided incredible emotional support on my healing journey. I recommend her to anyone desiring to take their health back!
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Savannah C
I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the care I’ve received from Aubree Steen. I had received care from many MDs and NDs while overcoming mold CIRS, SIBO, fungal overgrowth, parasites and MCAS before connecting with Aubree. Aubree’s protocols have been the most effective and gentle. She is extremely knowledgeable, dependable, responsive and caring. I am finally regaining my quality of life and I can’t thank her enough!””
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Melanie W
Aubree is my earth Angel. I took a leap of faith to work with her after 10 years of trying every advice and supplement under the sun. I literally have tried so many different modalities from coffee enemas to Ozone to having a supplement grave yard. One important thing I learned from Aubree is DO NOT GUESS – TEST. I have come to a conclusion that you really do need a professional to put together protocols for you in order for them to be effective and get the job done. A lot of the supplements that Aubree put me on I’ve tried in the past but never saw a benefit as I did not understand the length or the potency one needs to take to overcome a chronic condition. What I love about working with Aubree, not just her personality, but also her clinical setting knowledge working besides functional medicine Doctors for so many years. If you are looking to overcome chronic mysterious illnesses or mold/Lyme/hormonal or autoimmune issues Aubree is your girl. Knowing that Aubree also overcame many of the issues I was struggling with I always felt understood, validated, and guided in the best way possible! Thank you for everything! “
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Irina R
Aubree Steen has been my practitioner for 3+ years. As a fellow functional medicine specialist, I have met with and seen several Holistic, Natural, and Functional Medicine practitioners: she is hands down the best at patient care and her approach to bioindividual strategy. Her experience working for Medical Doctors has contributed to specialized and unique methods towards healing very complex conditions. It feels like no matter what symptoms come up, she always knows how to pivot when necessary, support my feelings of anxiety, and has the ability to tailor any protocol. Additionally, she has fought her own battles getting to the root cause of her health, and truly understands all that her patients and clients are going through. Every single interaction leaves me feeling confident about the future of ME!
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Jessica C
My husband and I have both been seeing Aubree for a little over half a year. We truly cannot believe the immediate difference we both saw in our separate health issues. Particularly, one suggestion Aubree made in diet change allowed me to notice instant drastic health benefits (I’m talking within days!) it is easy to see how kind and considerate Aubree is as soon as you meet her. My husband and I both felt like she is one of those people you immediately feel comfortable with, as if you’ve known her forever. She made it evident that she truly cares about us and our health. In our experience, she is set apart in the way that she genuinely listens, and allows for each of us to have our own voice in our health care and personal experiences. Through our entire experience meeting with Aubree, it has been evident to us both that she is not only extremely knowledgeable in her field, but she is also passionate about what she does. She seems to have a true love for the scope of work she does and for the clients she sees. We learned early on this can be an expensive process in some ways and we have always appreciated the class Aubree has shown when it comes to the financial aspect of this journey.

We do believe, at any time it has been possible, she has been candid about costs in a very professional manner and suggested discounts as they have been available. It is clear to us that our health and wellbeing are much more of her priority than any financial gain. Through our entire experience, she has been easy to talk to about our personal health, concerns, and happenings. She has always offered to answer any and all questions we have had at any time. On top of this, Aubree makes a conscious effort to allow us each to feel like our own person with our own experiences while making us feel comfortable and relating to us. We truly can’t say enough about the positive experience we have had working with Aubree and the enormous and drastic health benefits we have undergone through her care. We are blessed to have crossed paths with her and are extremely comfortable putting the health of our family in her hands. We would and do easily recommend her practice to anyone!
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